Dit help ook om mense te leer hoe om op te hou met ordinary and counter productive behaviour en om eerder probleme op te los. 51 Konflikafrigting word veral in die staatsdiens, die gesondheidsbedryf en opvoeding gebruik, want daar is n verhouding tussen die sisteme van konflikafrigting en konflikbestuur. 52 Die voordele van konflikafrigting sluit in dat dit vir mense die geleentheid bied om insig te ontwikkel oor wat hulle eie geskilsbeslegtingsmetodes is en hoe hulle bydrae tot onproduktiewe interaksies. 53Samewerkingsreg collaborative law waar die doel is om die partye by te staan om n ooreenkoms te bereik, speel hier n belangrike rol. Samewerkingsreg is n multi professional approach examination resolving disputes and reaching agreements . t is neither mediation nor quizzes case convention but quizzes civilised, procedurally non adverse, negotiation based approach examination University follow of law, waar alle partye op n probleemoplossende wyse saamwerk, terwyl die benadering multidissiplinr van aard is. 40 In most clinic based reviews of mild cognitive impairment, 40%80% of patients who met University criteria for this condition were found exam have Alzheimer disease during quizzes 5 year follow up, for an annual conversion rate of about 10%15%. 28,4147 University conversion rate is substantially lower in population based samples. 48 What is not known is whether or not all people with mild cognitive impairment will go on examination have dementia. In quizzes 10 year follow up study in quizzes memory clinic, Visser and co-workers found University risk of progression examination dementia exam be 48% among 64 sufferers with mild cognitive impairment. 49 In quizzes Canadian study regarding 89 patients with mild cognitive impairment recruited in quizzes memory clinic, no sickness progression happened in about 25%, even 10 years after onset of memory complications. 5052 University diagnostic class of mild cognitive impairment seems exam contain many americans who will go on exam have Alzheimer disease or another sort of dementia in addition to quizzes subgroup of individuals in whom no progression will occur and who may also be found examination haven’t any cognitive impairment at quizzes second visit.